Tuesday, November 6, 2007

why are we looking for Kansas?

Welcome. You might be wondering why I am trying to find Kansas. It's right on the map, after all, and only about a twelve hour drive away. Piece of cake. Well, I'm not actually trying to find Kansas the state. Not the state that entered the Union on January 29, 1861, anyway. I'm finding Kansas, the state of being home. Dorothy spent all of her time in technicolor trying to find her way back Kansas. She's not the only one.

We're all searching for something. It might look like we're all searching for something different, but we're all actually searching for the same thing. Home. We're searching for fulfillment. Happiness. Contentment. Peace. Serenity. Clarity. Connection. A way of being in the world, yet something that we can't fully reach while we're in the world.

That's why we're all in the process of finding Kansas. I am, at least. And this is how I am going about it.

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