Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mmmmmm sunshine.

For those who know me, this will come as no surprise. I love sunshine and warm weather. It's not just a preference for pleasantness; sunshine and warmth actually affect the very innermost parts of my soul. Sunshine is at the very heart of my being. Sunshine really does make me happy.

This is why I go tanning in the winter. I need the rays.

Wisconsin isn't a bad place to live once spring begins. Everything turns green rather quickly once it's warm enough. I swear that the tree outside my office window sprouted leaves during the weekly staff meeting one Tuesday last spring. It happens that fast. I love it.

There's something about sitting outside in the evening, not even close to sunset, reading a good book and feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. There's something about laying on the grass listening to soothing hum of a crowd at a baseball game on the radio. There's something about taking a 2-hour walk on a Saturday morning and stopping by your favorite park by the river just to sit and watch the water flow.

There's something about having sunlight for 15 hours in a day.

Love it.

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